Tor tiv news

You're looking for news from Tor Tiv, the traditional ruler of the Tiv people in Benue State, Nigeria!

Here are some recent news updates about Tor Tiv:

Tor Tiv's 50th Anniversary Celebration: In 2020, Tor Tiv, Professor James Ayatse, celebrated his 50th anniversary on the throne. The celebration was marked with a grand ceremony attended by dignitaries from across Nigeria and beyond.

Tor Tiv's Peace Efforts: Tor Tiv has been a strong advocate for peace in the region, particularly in the face of communal conflicts and banditry. He has called for dialogue and reconciliation among warring parties and has worked with government agencies to promote peace and stability.

Tor Tiv's Development Initiatives: Tor Tiv has been involved in various development initiatives aimed at improving the lives of his people. These include projects in education, healthcare, agriculture, and infrastructure development.

Tor Tiv's International Recognition: Tor Tiv has received international recognition for his leadership and contributions to peace and development. He has been honored with awards and recognition from organizations such as the African Union and the United Nations.

Tor Tiv's Succession Crisis: In 2020, there was a succession crisis in the Tiv kingdom, with some factions calling for the removal of Tor Tiv from office. However, the crisis was eventually resolved through dialogue and compromise.

These are just a few examples of the news related to Tor Tiv. If you're looking for more information or specific updates, please let me know!