Top news app

Here are some of the top news apps across various platforms:


  1. Apple News (free) - A built-in news app that aggregates content from various sources.
  2. The New York Times (free, with subscription options) - A popular news app from one of the world's leading newspapers.
  3. CNN (free) - A news app from the popular cable news network.
  4. Fox News (free) - A news app from the popular cable news network.
  5. The Wall Street Journal (free, with subscription options) - A news app from one of the world's leading business newspapers.


  1. Google News (free) - A news app that aggregates content from various sources.
  2. Inshorts (free) - A popular news app that provides bite-sized news updates.
  3. News360 (free) - A news app that aggregates content from various sources and allows users to customize their feed.
  4. Flipboard (free) - A news app that allows users to create their own personalized magazine.
  5. AP News (free) - A news app from the Associated Press that provides up-to-date news coverage.


  1. Flipboard (free) - Available on both iOS and Android.
  2. Apple News (free) - Available on both iOS and macOS.
  3. Google News (free) - Available on both Android and iOS.
  4. Newsweek (free, with subscription options) - Available on both iOS and Android.
  5. The Guardian (free, with subscription options) - Available on both iOS and Android.

Other notable mentions:

  1. Reddit News (free) - A news app that aggregates content from Reddit's various subreddits.
  2. Newsify (free) - A news app that aggregates content from various sources and allows users to customize their feed.
  3. Feedly (free) - A news app that aggregates content from various sources and allows users to customize their feed.
  4. Pulse News (free) - A news app that aggregates content from various sources and allows users to customize their feed.
  5. Zite (free) - A news app that aggregates content from various sources and allows users to customize their feed.

Note: The availability and features of these apps may vary depending on your location and device.