Top 20 most ankle breaker skills

The art of ankle-breaking! Here are the top 20 most ankle-breaking skills in basketball, in no particular order:

  1. Behind-the-back dribble: A classic move that leaves defenders grasping at air.
  2. Between-the-legs dribble: A tricky move that requires quick hands and good ball control.
  3. Crossover: A staple of ankle-breaking, the crossover is a quick, deceptive move that can leave defenders stumbling.
  4. Between-the-legs crossover: A variation of the crossover that adds an extra layer of difficulty.
  5. Behind-the-back crossover: Another variation that requires exceptional hand-eye coordination.
  6. Step-back jump shot: A move that combines a quick step-back with a jump shot, leaving defenders in the dust.
  7. Euro step: A move that involves a quick, low-to-the-ground step-back, often followed by a layup or jump shot.
  8. Crossover to the opposite hand: A move that requires quick hands and good ball control, as the player switches hands mid-dribble.
  9. Between-the-legs behind-the-back dribble: A move that's as tricky as it sounds, requiring exceptional ball control and hand-eye coordination.
  10. Finger roll: A move that involves rolling the ball off the fingertips, often used to create space or get past a defender.
  11. Between-the-legs finger roll: A variation of the finger roll that adds an extra layer of difficulty.
  12. Behind-the-back finger roll: Another variation that requires exceptional hand-eye coordination.
  13. Crossover to the opposite hand, then back: A move that involves switching hands mid-dribble, then quickly switching back.
  14. Between-the-legs crossover to the opposite hand: A move that requires quick hands and good ball control, as the player switches hands mid-dribble.
  15. Behind-the-back crossover to the opposite hand: Another variation that adds an extra layer of difficulty.
  16. Step-back three-pointer: A move that combines a quick step-back with a three-point shot, leaving defenders scrambling to keep up.
  17. Euro step to the opposite hand: A variation of the Euro step that involves switching hands mid-move.
  18. Between-the-legs step-back: A move that combines a quick step-back with a between-the-legs dribble.
  19. Behind-the-back step-back: Another variation that requires exceptional hand-eye coordination.
  20. Crossover to the opposite hand, then a behind-the-back dribble: A move that involves switching hands mid-dribble, then quickly switching back and performing a behind-the-back dribble.

Remember, ankle-breaking skills require practice, patience, and dedication. Mastering these moves will take time, but with persistence and hard work, you can become a formidable opponent on the court!