Top 10 richest country in southeast asia 2022

Based on the latest available data from reputable sources such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the World Economic Forum, here are the top 10 richest countries in Southeast Asia in 2022:

  1. Singapore: With a GDP per capita of $64,133, Singapore is the richest country in Southeast Asia and one of the four Asian Tigers. Its strong financial sector, business-friendly environment, and highly developed infrastructure contribute to its high GDP per capita.
  2. Brunei: With a GDP per capita of $59,563, Brunei is the second-richest country in Southeast Asia. Its oil and gas reserves have fueled its economic growth, and its small population and low corruption levels also contribute to its high GDP per capita.
  3. Malaysia: With a GDP per capita of $10,740, Malaysia is the third-richest country in Southeast Asia. Its strong manufacturing sector, particularly in electronics and automotive, and its growing services sector contribute to its high GDP per capita.
  4. Indonesia: With a GDP per capita of $3,840, Indonesia is the fourth-richest country in Southeast Asia. Its large population and growing economy, driven by its services sector and natural resources, contribute to its high GDP per capita.
  5. Thailand: With a GDP per capita of $6,440, Thailand is the fifth-richest country in Southeast Asia. Its strong tourism industry, manufacturing sector, and agricultural sector contribute to its high GDP per capita.
  6. Philippines: With a GDP per capita of $3,240, the Philippines is the sixth-richest country in Southeast Asia. Its growing services sector, particularly in business process outsourcing, and its remittances from overseas workers contribute to its high GDP per capita.
  7. Vietnam: With a GDP per capita of $2,440, Vietnam is the seventh-richest country in Southeast Asia. Its growing manufacturing sector, particularly in electronics and textiles, and its services sector contribute to its high GDP per capita.
  8. Cambodia: With a GDP per capita of $2,140, Cambodia is the eighth-richest country in Southeast Asia. Its growing tourism industry, garment sector, and agricultural sector contribute to its high GDP per capita.
  9. Laos: With a GDP per capita of $2,040, Laos is the ninth-richest country in Southeast Asia. Its growing hydropower sector, mining industry, and tourism industry contribute to its high GDP per capita.
  10. Myanmar: With a GDP per capita of $1,940, Myanmar is the tenth-richest country in Southeast Asia. Its growing manufacturing sector, particularly in textiles and garments, and its services sector contribute to its high GDP per capita.

Note: GDP per capita figures are based on nominal GDP per capita and are subject to revision.