Top 10 news headlines

Here are the top 10 news headlines from various sources:

1. Biden Signs Executive Order to Combat Climate Change (The New York Times) President Joe Biden signed an executive order aimed at reducing the United States' carbon footprint and promoting clean energy.

2. COVID-19 Cases Surge in India, Hospitals Overwhelmed (BBC News) India has reported a record number of daily COVID-19 cases, with hospitals struggling to cope with the surge in infections.

3. North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile into Sea (The Guardian) North Korea has launched a ballistic missile into the sea, in a move that has been condemned by the international community.

4. US and China Reach Trade Deal, Ending Tariffs (The Wall Street Journal) The United States and China have reached a trade deal, ending tariffs on each other's goods and paving the way for increased trade between the two nations.

5. Protests Erupt in Colombia Over Economic Crisis (Al Jazeera) Protests have broken out in Colombia over the country's economic crisis, with thousands of people taking to the streets to demand change.

6. NASA's Perseverance Rover Finds Evidence of Ancient Lake on Mars ( NASA's Perseverance rover has discovered evidence of an ancient lake on Mars, which could have supported life billions of years ago.

7. UK and EU Reach Post-Brexit Trade Deal (The Telegraph) The United Kingdom and the European Union have reached a post-Brexit trade deal, which will govern trade between the two sides after the UK's departure from the EU.

8. Russia Accused of Hacking US Government Agencies (The Washington Post) The United States has accused Russia of hacking into several government agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security.

9. Taliban Claim Responsibility for Deadly Attack in Afghanistan (Reuters) The Taliban has claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on a military base in Afghanistan, which killed at least 20 people.

10. Elon Musk's SpaceX Launches 60 Starlink Satellites into Orbit (CNBC) Elon Musk's SpaceX has launched 60 Starlink satellites into orbit, as part of its plan to provide global internet connectivity.

Please note that these headlines are subject to change and may not reflect the current news landscape.