Top 10 most expensive cigars in the world 2022

A luxurious topic! Here are the top 10 most expensive cigars in the world as of 2022:

  1. Arturo Fuente Opus X - $1,500 per cigar
    • A rare and highly sought-after cigar made from the finest Dominican tobacco, wrapped in a Connecticut shade wrapper.
  2. Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series - $1,200 per cigar
    • A limited-edition cigar celebrating the 50th anniversary of Padrón, made from Nicaraguan and Dominican tobacco.
  3. H. Upmann Sir Winston Churchill - $1,000 per cigar
    • A premium cigar named after the famous statesman, made from Cuban tobacco and featuring a unique blend of flavors.
  4. Montecristo No. 2 - $900 per cigar
    • A classic Cuban cigar, known for its rich, complex flavor profile and smooth draw.
  5. Partagás Serie D No. 4 - $800 per cigar
    • Another highly sought-after Cuban cigar, featuring a rich, full-bodied flavor profile.
  6. Cohiba Behike - $700 per cigar
    • A rare and exclusive cigar made from the finest Cuban tobacco, featuring a unique blend of flavors.
  7. Romeo y Julieta 1875 - $650 per cigar
    • A premium Cuban cigar, named after the famous Shakespearean play, featuring a rich, complex flavor profile.
  8. Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2 - $600 per cigar
    • A classic Cuban cigar, known for its smooth, balanced flavor profile and elegant packaging.
  9. Partagás Serie P No. 2 - $550 per cigar
    • A premium Cuban cigar, featuring a rich, full-bodied flavor profile and a unique blend of flavors.
  10. Cuban Cohiba Lancero - $500 per cigar
    • A rare and exclusive cigar made from the finest Cuban tobacco, featuring a unique blend of flavors and a sleek, elegant design.

Please note that prices may vary depending on the retailer, location, and availability. Additionally, these prices are subject to change over time due to factors like supply and demand, taxes, and other market fluctuations.