Toke makinwas ex reportedly hires foreign nigerian law firms over on becoming

It seems like you're referring to a recent news report about Tokunbo Abiru, a Nigerian politician, and his alleged hiring of foreign law firms to help him become the next Governor of Lagos State.

For those who may not be familiar, Tokunbo Abiru is a Nigerian politician who has been making waves in the political scene, particularly in Lagos State. He has been rumored to be eyeing the governorship seat in the state, and it appears that he has taken steps to strengthen his chances by hiring foreign law firms to help him navigate the political landscape.

According to reports, Abiru has hired several foreign law firms, including Nigerian law firms with international connections, to help him navigate the complexities of Nigerian politics and the electoral process. This move is seen as a strategic one, as it allows Abiru to tap into the expertise and resources of these law firms to help him build a strong campaign and increase his chances of winning the governorship election.

It's worth noting that this development has sparked some controversy, with some critics accusing Abiru of trying to buy his way into power. Others have praised his move as a sign of his commitment to doing things differently and bringing in fresh ideas to Nigerian politics.

What are your thoughts on this development? Do you think Abiru's move is a smart one, or do you think it's a sign of his willingness to do whatever it takes to get ahead?