Togo confirms first coronavirus case

According to reports, Togo has confirmed its first case of coronavirus (COVID-19). The case was announced by the Togolese Ministry of Health on March 9, 2020.

The patient is a 45-year-old woman who had recently traveled to France, where she was infected with the virus. She returned to Togo on March 5, 2020, and was hospitalized in the capital city of Lomé.

The Togolese government has taken immediate action to contain the spread of the virus, including:

  1. Activating the national emergency response plan
  2. Isolating the patient and tracing her contacts
  3. Increasing surveillance at airports, seaports, and borders
  4. Providing information and guidance to the public through various channels

Togo has also suspended all international flights and closed its borders to non-essential travel until further notice.

It's essential for the public to remain vigilant and follow the guidelines provided by the authorities to prevent the spread of the virus.