Today news in niger state

Here are some of the top news stories from Niger State, Nigeria, for today:

Breaking News

  1. Bandits Attack Niger State Community: Bandits have attacked the community of Kagara in Rafi Local Government Area of Niger State, killing one person and injuring several others. The attack occurred in the early hours of the morning, with the bandits reportedly burning down several houses and destroying properties. (Source: Daily Trust)
  2. Niger State Government Commences Construction of 10,000-Bed Capacity Hospital: The Niger State Government has commenced the construction of a 10,000-bed capacity hospital in Minna, the state capital. The hospital, which is expected to be completed in two years, will provide quality healthcare services to residents of the state. (Source: Vanguard)

Other News

  1. Niger State Government to Establish 10 New Primary Healthcare Centers: The Niger State Government has announced plans to establish 10 new primary healthcare centers across the state. The centers will provide basic healthcare services to rural communities and reduce the burden on existing healthcare facilities. (Source: Leadership)
  2. Farmers in Niger State Cry Out Over Insecurity: Farmers in Niger State have cried out over the increasing cases of insecurity in the state, which has led to the destruction of their crops and livestock. They are calling on the government to take urgent action to address the issue. (Source: The Nation)
  3. Niger State Government to Establish 10 New Markets: The Niger State Government has announced plans to establish 10 new markets across the state. The markets will provide a platform for traders to sell their goods and services, and also create jobs for the youth. (Source: Daily Post)

Please note that these news stories are subject to change and may not be up-to-date. For the latest news, I recommend checking reputable news sources or official government websites.