Today in history 66

A great year! Here are some of the notable events that occurred on August 26, 1966:

  1. The Beatles release "Yellow Submarine": The iconic song, written by Paul McCartney, is released as a single in the UK and becomes a huge hit.
  2. The first ATM is installed: The first automated teller machine (ATM) is installed at Barclays Bank in Enfield, London, UK. It's a major innovation in banking technology.
  3. The US and South Vietnam sign a treaty: The United States and South Vietnam sign a treaty of friendship and cooperation, which is seen as a major step towards strengthening their alliance against North Vietnam.
  4. The first computerized traffic light is installed: The first computerized traffic light is installed in Washington, D.C., USA. It's a major improvement over traditional traffic lights, which were often manually operated.
  5. The Soviet Union launches a lunar probe: The Soviet Union launches a lunar probe called Luna 9, which becomes the first spacecraft to soft-land on the Moon.

These are just a few of the many events that took place on August 26, 1966. It was a significant day in the fields of music, technology, politics, and space exploration!