Today in history 17 #comments

Here are 17 interesting events that occurred on this day in history:

  1. 1923: The first issue of Time magazine is published.
  2. 1933: Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated as the 32nd President of the United States.
  3. 1944: The D-Day invasion of Normandy begins during World War II.
  4. 1954: The Supreme Court rules in Brown v. Board of Education that segregation in public schools is unconstitutional.
  5. 1969: The Cuyahoga River in Ohio catches fire, leading to increased awareness of water pollution.
  6. 1974: The first cell phone call is made by Martin Cooper, an engineer at Motorola.
  7. 1981: The first space shuttle, Columbia, is launched on its maiden voyage.
  8. 1991: The United States launches Operation Desert Storm to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation.
  9. 1995: The Oklahoma City bombing occurs, killing 168 people and injuring hundreds more.
  10. 2005: The London bombings occur, killing 52 people and injuring over 700.
  11. 2009: The first African American President, Barack Obama, is inaugurated for his second term.
  12. 2011: The United States ends its combat mission in Iraq.
  13. 2013: The Boston Marathon bombing occurs, killing three people and injuring hundreds more.
  14. 2015: The Iran nuclear deal is reached, lifting economic sanctions on Iran in exchange for limits on its nuclear program.
  15. 2016: The United States and China agree to a deal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
  16. 2017: The United States withdraws from the Paris Agreement on climate change.
  17. 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic reaches a new peak in the United States, with over 100,000 new cases reported in a single day.

These are just a few of the many events that have occurred on this day in history.