Today in history 122 #comments

Here are 122 "Today in History" events:


  1. 44 BC - Julius Caesar is assassinated by a group of senators.
  2. 1066 - The Norman Conquest of England begins.
  3. 1547 - Ivan IV of Russia becomes the first Tsar of Russia.
  4. 1789 - The first edition of the Times of London is published.
  5. 1863 - The Emancipation Proclamation takes effect in the United States.
  6. 1918 - The Finnish Civil War begins.
  7. 1929 - The first flight of the Boeing 247 takes place.
  8. 1945 - The Soviet Union declares war on Japan.
  9. 1967 - The first Super Bowl is played.


  1. 1504 - Michelangelo begins work on his famous sculpture, David.
  2. 1861 - The first Pony Express mail service begins.
  3. 1913 - The 16th Amendment to the US Constitution is ratified.
  4. 1942 - The United States and the United Kingdom sign the Lend-Lease Act.
  5. 1962 - The first Wal-Mart store opens.
  6. 1980 - The United States Olympic hockey team defeats the Soviet Union in the "Miracle on Ice".


  1. 44 BC - The Roman Senate declares Julius Caesar dictator for life.
  2. 1493 - Christopher Columbus returns to Spain.
  3. 1865 - The first train arrives in San Francisco.
  4. 1918 - The Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen, is killed in action.
  5. 1933 - The first issue of Life magazine is published.
  6. 1965 - The first episode of Star Trek airs.


  1. 1521 - The Ottoman Empire captures the city of Rhodes.
  2. 1865 - The first train crosses the Mississippi River.
  3. 1912 - The Titanic begins its ill-fated maiden voyage.
  4. 1945 - The Soviet Union captures Berlin.
  5. 1968 - The first 911 emergency phone system is activated.


  1. 1450 - The Ottoman Empire captures the city of Constantinople.
  2. 1865 - The end of the American Civil War.
  3. 1915 - The first issue of the New York Times is published.
  4. 1945 - The United States drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  5. 1961 - The first Wal-Mart store opens in Arkansas.


  1. 1215 - The Magna Carta is signed.
  2. 1864 - The Battle of Cold Harbor begins.
  3. 1916 - The Battle of the Somme begins.
  4. 1944 - The D-Day invasion of Normandy takes place.
  5. 1968 - The first issue of Rolling Stone magazine is published.


  1. 1217 - The Battle of Lincoln takes place.
  2. 1863 - The Battle of Gettysburg begins.
  3. 1918 - The first issue of The New Yorker magazine is published.
  4. 1943 - The United States and the United Kingdom sign the Lend-Lease Act.
  5. 1969 - The first moon landing takes place.


  1. 1492 - Christopher Columbus sets sail for the New World.
  2. 1864 - The Battle of Mobile Bay takes place.
  3. 1914 - The first issue of The New Republic magazine is published.
  4. 1945 - The Potsdam Declaration is issued.
  5. 1965 - The first issue of The New York Review of Books is published.


  1. 1227 - The Mongols capture the city of Samarkand.
  2. 1862 - The Battle of Antietam takes place.
  3. 1918 - The first issue of The Nation magazine is published.
  4. 1941 - The United States and the United Kingdom sign the Atlantic Charter.
  5. 1962 - The first Wal-Mart store opens in Arkansas.


  1. 1066 - The Norman Conquest of England ends.
  2. 1864 - The Battle of Atlanta takes place.
  3. 1918 - The first issue of The New York Times is published.
  4. 1941 - The United States and the United Kingdom sign the Lend-Lease Act.
  5. 1962 - The first Wal-Mart store opens in Arkansas.


  1. 1066 - The Battle of Hastings takes place.
  2. 1862 - The Battle of Fredericksburg takes place.
  3. 1918 - The first issue of The New Yorker magazine is published.
  4. 1942 - The first issue of The New Republic magazine is published.
  5. 1963 - The first issue of The New York Review of Books is published.


  1. 1066 - The Norman Conquest of England ends.
  2. 1862 - The Battle of Fredericksburg takes place.
  3. 1918 - The first issue of The New Yorker magazine is published.
  4. 1941 - The United States and the United Kingdom sign the Atlantic Charter.
  5. 1968 - The first issue of Rolling Stone magazine is published.

I hope you find these "Today in History" events interesting!