Today in history 114 #

Here are some historical events that occurred on this day, November 14th:

1140: The Treaty of Windsor is signed, marking the end of the Anglo-French War.

1620: The Pilgrims set sail from Plymouth, England, bound for North America.

1777: American forces under General Horatio Gates defeat the British at the Battle of Saratoga, New York, a turning point in the American Revolutionary War.

1839: The Virginia Military Institute is founded in Lexington, Virginia.

1863: The first issue of The New York Herald-Tribune is published.

1889: The first jukebox is installed at the Palais Royale Saloon in San Francisco, California.

1910: The first electric traffic light is installed in Cleveland, Ohio.

1918: The Austro-Hungarian Empire is dissolved, marking the end of World War I.

1922: The Irish Free State is established, with Michael Collins as its first chairman.

1940: The first episode of the popular radio show "The Shadow" airs.

1969: The first episode of the popular TV show "The Brady Bunch" airs.

1982: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C.

2008: Barack Obama is elected as the first African American President of the United States.

These are just a few of the many historical events that have occurred on this day.