Today history saudi king meets pope benedict #

You're referring to a historical event!

On November 6, 2007, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia met with Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican City. This was a significant event, as it marked the first-ever meeting between a Saudi monarch and the Pope.

The meeting was seen as a major step towards improving relations between the Catholic Church and the Islamic world. King Abdullah and Pope Benedict XVI discussed issues such as interfaith dialogue, peace, and cooperation between Christians and Muslims.

The meeting was also notable because it came at a time when tensions between the West and the Islamic world were running high, following the publication of a speech by Pope Benedict XVI in 2006 that was perceived as critical of Islam. The meeting was seen as an effort to ease those tensions and promote greater understanding and cooperation between the two faiths.

The meeting was also significant because it marked a shift in Saudi Arabia's approach to the Catholic Church. In the past, the Saudi government had been wary of the Catholic Church's influence and had restricted the activities of Catholic missionaries in the country. However, King Abdullah's meeting with Pope Benedict XVI was seen as a sign of a more open and tolerant approach to Christianity in Saudi Arabia.