Today history 65 2

Here are the historical events that occurred on February 2nd throughout history:

February 2, 65 AD: The Roman Empire is divided into two parts by the Roman Emperor Nero, with Galba being appointed as the Emperor of the Western Roman Empire.

February 2, 1542: The Muscovy Company is granted a charter by King Henry VIII of England to trade with Russia.

February 2, 1774: The first American abolition society is formed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

February 2, 1861: The United States House of Representatives votes to admit Kansas as the 34th state of the Union.

February 2, 1913: The 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified, allowing Congress to levy an income tax.

February 2, 1943: The Battle of Stalingrad comes to an end with the surrender of German forces.

February 2, 1964: The Beatles make their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show, marking the beginning of the British Invasion of the US music scene.

February 2, 1990: The Soviet Union announces that it will allow East Germany to hold free elections, marking a significant step towards the eventual reunification of Germany.

These are just a few of the many historical events that have occurred on February 2nd throughout history.