Today cable news

Here's a summary of the top stories on cable news today:


  1. Impeachment Inquiry: The House Intelligence Committee is set to hold a hearing today to discuss the impeachment inquiry into President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.
  2. Whistleblower Complaint: The whistleblower who filed the complaint that sparked the impeachment inquiry is set to testify before the House Intelligence Committee today.
  3. Election 2020: The Democratic presidential debate is tonight, with 12 candidates set to take the stage in Ohio.

Fox News:

  1. Impeachment Inquiry: Fox News is pushing back against the impeachment inquiry, with some hosts calling it a "witch hunt" and a "partisan attack" on President Trump.
  2. Border Security: The network is highlighting the ongoing crisis at the US-Mexico border, with some hosts calling for increased border security measures.
  3. Election 2020: Fox News is also covering the Democratic presidential debate tonight, with some hosts predicting that the debate will be a "disaster" for the Democratic candidates.


  1. Impeachment Inquiry: MSNBC is covering the impeachment inquiry in depth, with some hosts calling it a "historic moment" for the country.
  2. Whistleblower Complaint: The network is also highlighting the whistleblower's complaint, with some hosts calling it a "smoking gun" that proves President Trump's wrongdoing.
  3. Election 2020: MSNBC is also covering the Democratic presidential debate tonight, with some hosts predicting that the debate will be a "turning point" in the election.

Other News:

  1. Stock Market: The stock market is experiencing a volatile day, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average falling over 300 points.
  2. Hurricane Dorian: The aftermath of Hurricane Dorian is still being felt in the Bahamas, with many residents struggling to recover from the devastating storm.
  3. Iran-US Tensions: Tensions between the US and Iran are escalating, with some experts warning of the possibility of a military conflict between the two countries.

These are just some of the top stories on cable news today. Let me know if you have any specific questions or if there's anything else I can help you with!