Today amnesty news

Here are the top news stories from Amnesty International, a non-governmental organization that focuses on human rights:


  1. Ethiopia: Amnesty International urges authorities to end crackdown on peaceful protests: Amnesty International has called on the Ethiopian government to end its crackdown on peaceful protests and to respect the rights of protesters to freedom of expression and assembly.
  2. Yemen: Saudi-led coalition airstrikes kill dozens of civilians: Amnesty International has condemned the Saudi-led coalition's airstrikes in Yemen, which have killed dozens of civilians, including women and children, and have caused widespread destruction.
  3. India: Amnesty International urges government to repeal controversial citizenship law: Amnesty International has called on the Indian government to repeal a controversial citizenship law that has sparked widespread protests and human rights concerns.
  4. Syria: Amnesty International documents widespread torture and abuse in government detention centers: Amnesty International has released a report documenting widespread torture and abuse in Syrian government detention centers, where thousands of people have been held without charge or trial.
  5. Brazil: Amnesty International urges government to protect indigenous peoples' rights: Amnesty International has called on the Brazilian government to protect the rights of indigenous peoples, who are facing increasing threats to their lands and way of life.

Reports and Research:

  1. "The Devil is in the Details": How the US government is using secrecy to undermine human rights: This report examines the US government's use of secrecy to undermine human rights, including its use of classified information to justify drone strikes and other military operations.
  2. "The Price of Silence": How governments are using surveillance to silence human rights defenders: This report looks at how governments around the world are using surveillance to silence human rights defenders, including activists, journalists, and others who speak out against human rights abuses.
  3. "The Human Cost of War": How conflicts are affecting civilians in Yemen, Syria, and other countries: This report examines the human cost of war, including the impact of conflicts on civilians in Yemen, Syria, and other countries.

Campaigns and Actions:

  1. #EndTorture: Amnesty International is launching a global campaign to end torture, which includes a petition calling on governments to take action to prevent torture and to hold those responsible accountable.
  2. #StandWithHongKong: Amnesty International is supporting the people of Hong Kong in their fight for democracy and human rights, including their right to peaceful protest and assembly.
  3. #FreeDetainees: Amnesty International is calling on governments around the world to release detainees who have been held without charge or trial, including those who have been arbitrarily detained or imprisoned for their political beliefs.

These are just a few of the top news stories and reports from Amnesty International. You can find more information on their website or by following them on social media.