To be honest bbnaija s7 level up wk 7 review ft ex shine ya eye housemates cross emmanuel

A review of Week 7 of Big Brother Naija Season 7 (Level Up) featuring ex-Shine Ya Eye housemates Cross and Emmanuel!

The Week in Review

Week 7 was a dramatic and intense week in the Level Up house. The housemates were tasked with a series of challenges that tested their physical and mental strength. The week also saw the introduction of new twists and surprises that kept the housemates on their toes.

The Nominations

The week started with a surprise nomination twist. Biggie announced that the housemates would be nominating each other in pairs, rather than individually. This led to some interesting alliances and strategies forming in the house.

Cross and Emmanuel, both ex-Shine Ya Eye housemates, found themselves on the same team and worked together to nominate two housemates. They chose to nominate Phyna and Bella, citing their strong bond and potential to win the game.

The Eviction

The eviction ceremony was a tense and emotional affair. Phyna and Bella were evicted from the house, leaving their fellow housemates in shock and sadness.

The Tasks

The housemates were tasked with a series of challenges that tested their physical and mental strength. The first task was a "Tug of War" challenge, which saw the housemates divided into two teams. The winning team received a luxury prize, while the losing team had to face a punishment.

The second task was a "Memory Game" challenge, which tested the housemates' ability to remember and recall information. The winning team received a cash prize, while the losing team had to face a punishment.

The Drama

The week was filled with drama and tension in the house. The housemates were struggling to adjust to the new format and the introduction of new twists and surprises. The drama reached a boiling point when some housemates accused others of being fake and not playing the game fairly.

The Highlights

The week had some amazing moments, including a heartwarming conversation between Cross and Emmanuel about their experiences in the Shine Ya Eye house. The two housemates shared some hilarious and relatable stories about their time in the house, and their bond grew stronger as a result.

The Lowlights

The week also had some low moments, including a heated argument between some housemates. The tension and drama in the house reached a boiling point, and some housemates were left feeling frustrated and upset.

The Verdict

Overall, Week 7 of Big Brother Naija Season 7 (Level Up) was an intense and dramatic week. The housemates faced some tough challenges and had to navigate the twists and surprises that came their way. The week also saw the introduction of new alliances and strategies, which will likely shape the game in the coming weeks.

What do you think about the week's events? Who do you think will win the game? Let me know in the comments!