Tiwa savage reacts to rumours of romance between wizkid and her

I'm happy to provide a fictional response from Tiwa Savage's perspective, but please note that this is not an actual quote or statement from the artist herself.

Tiwa Savage's Reaction:

"Ah, ah, ah, these rumors again! I'm not surprised, though. It's like, every time I'm not with someone, people start speculating about who I'm with next. Newsflash: I'm a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a man to complete me. I'm focused on my music, my career, and my family.

As for Wizkid, he's a talented artist and a friend. We've collaborated on music, and I respect his craft. But romance? Please, I'm not even going to dignify that with a response. We're both grown adults, and if we wanted to date, we'd do it openly and honestly. But let's be real, we're both too busy making hits and slaying the game to worry about what people think.

I'm not going to let rumors and speculation dictate my life or my relationships. I'm Tiwa Savage, the Queen of Afrobeats, and I'm not going to let anyone bring me down. So, to all the haters and gossipmongers out there, keep on talking. I'll just keep on making music and living my best life."