Tinubu new year speech

You're referring to the New Year's Day speech delivered by Bola Tinubu, the National Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and former Governor of Lagos State, Nigeria.

Here's a summary of his speech:

Theme: "A New Year, A New Dawn"

Key Points:

  1. Hope and Optimism: Tinubu expressed his optimism about the future of Nigeria, despite the challenges the country faces. He encouraged Nigerians to remain hopeful and focused on building a better future.
  2. Unity and National Cohesion: He emphasized the importance of national unity and called on Nigerians to put aside their differences and work together to build a stronger, more prosperous nation.
  3. Economic Development: Tinubu highlighted the need for economic development and diversification, urging the government to create an enabling environment for businesses to thrive and create jobs.
  4. Security: He expressed concern about the security challenges facing the country and called on the government to take decisive action to address them.
  5. Youth Empowerment: Tinubu emphasized the importance of empowering Nigeria's youth, who he described as the country's greatest asset. He encouraged them to be innovative, entrepreneurial, and committed to building a better future for themselves and their country.
  6. Leadership: He called on leaders at all levels to be accountable, transparent, and committed to serving the people.


Overall: Tinubu's speech was a call to action, urging Nigerians to work together to build a better future for themselves and their country. He emphasized the importance of unity, economic development, security, and youth empowerment, and called on leaders to be accountable and committed to serving the people.