Times new roman font

A classic!

Times New Roman is a serif font that was designed in 1932 by Stanley Morison and Victor Lardent for The Times of London newspaper. It was created to be a legible font for newspaper headlines and body text, and it has since become one of the most widely used fonts in the world.

Here's an example of what Times New Roman looks like:


This is an example of the regular style of Times New Roman font.


This is an example of the bold style of Times New Roman font.


This is an example of the italic style of Times New Roman font.

Bold Italic

This is an example of the bold italic style of Times New Roman font.

Times New Roman is often used in academic and professional settings, such as in research papers, theses, and dissertations. It's also commonly used in business and government documents, as well as in books and magazines.

Do you have a specific use case in mind for Times New Roman, or would you like to know more about its history or characteristics?