Tiktok users now make money livestreaming themselves sleeping

The ever-evolving world of social media! Yes, you're right. Some TikTok users have found a way to monetize their sleep by livestreaming themselves sleeping and earning money from their followers.

This phenomenon is often referred to as "sleep streaming" or "sleep monetization." It's a relatively new trend that has gained popularity among some TikTok creators, particularly those with a large following.

Here's how it works:

  1. Creators set up their livestreams, often with a relaxing background, soft music, and a cozy atmosphere.
  2. They then fall asleep, and their followers tune in to watch them sleep.
  3. Viewers can interact with the stream by commenting, liking, and sending gifts (TikTok's virtual currency) to support their favorite sleep streamers.
  4. The creators earn money from the gifts, as well as from ads displayed during the livestream.

Some sleep streamers have reportedly earned thousands of dollars from their sleep streams, with some even reaching millions of views. The most popular sleep streamers often have a strong following and engage with their audience by responding to comments and creating a sense of community.

While it may seem unusual, sleep streaming has become a lucrative way for some creators to monetize their downtime. It's also a testament to the power of social media and the creative ways people are finding to make a living online.

What do you think about this trend? Would you ever watch someone sleep on TikTok?