Tiktok test

A TikTok test!

To get started, I'll need to know what kind of test you'd like to conduct. Here are a few options:

  1. Hashtag challenge: I'll suggest a popular hashtag, and you can create a short video using that hashtag. We can then track the engagement and see how well it performs.
  2. Caption test: I'll provide a few different captions for a hypothetical TikTok video, and you can choose the one that resonates with you the most. We can then analyze the results to see which caption performs better.
  3. Video style test: I'll provide a few different video style options (e.g. music, filters, editing style), and you can choose the one that you think would work best for a hypothetical TikTok video. We can then analyze the results to see which style performs better.
  4. Engagement test: I'll provide a few different engagement prompts (e.g. "Ask me a question!", "Tag a friend!", etc.), and you can choose the one that you think would work best for a hypothetical TikTok video. We can then analyze the results to see which prompt generates the most engagement.

Which test would you like to conduct?