Tiktok notification ui design

Here's a potential design for a TikTok notification UI:

Notification Center

The notification center is a scrolling list of notifications that appear at the top of the screen. Each notification is a card with the following elements:

Notification Card Design

Each notification card has a clean and simple design that makes it easy to scan and understand. The card is divided into three sections:

Color Scheme

The notification center uses a bold and bright color scheme to grab the user's attention. The primary color is a deep blue (#212121), with accents of bright orange (#FFC107) and white (#FFFFFF).


The typography is clean and modern, with a sans-serif font (e.g. Open Sans) used throughout the notification center.


The icons used in the notification center are simple and recognizable, with a consistent design language throughout the app.

Notification Types

There are several types of notifications that can appear in the notification center, including:

Notification Prioritization

The notification center prioritizes notifications based on their relevance and importance. For example, a notification from a close friend or family member may be prioritized higher than a notification from a stranger.

Notification Filtering

The notification center allows users to filter notifications by type (e.g. only show like notifications, only show comment notifications, etc.) or by time (e.g. only show notifications from the past hour, etc.).

Notification Dismissal

Notifications can be dismissed by swiping them away or by tapping the "Dismiss" button. Dismissed notifications are removed from the notification center and are no longer displayed.

Notification Center Settings

The notification center has a settings menu that allows users to customize their notification preferences. This includes options to:

I hope this design concept helps!