Tiktok mushup philippines🇵🇭 dance craze

The Philippines is known for its vibrant dance culture and TikTok has become a popular platform for Filipinos to showcase their dancing skills and creativity. Here are some popular TikTok dance challenges and trends that originated in the Philippines:

  1. Malkmusik: A dance challenge that involves a series of intricate footwork and arm movements, set to a catchy Filipino song.
  2. Kilig Dance: A romantic dance challenge that involves slow and sensual movements, often performed to OPM (Original Pilipino Music) love songs.
  3. Sik Sik: A dance challenge that involves rapid-fire footwork and arm movements, set to a fast-paced Filipino song.
  4. Tawanan: A dance challenge that involves comedic and playful movements, often performed to funny Filipino songs.
  5. Bop Till You Drop: A dance challenge that involves energetic and upbeat movements, set to popular Filipino songs.
  6. Dababy Dance: A dance challenge that involves a series of hip-hop inspired moves, set to a popular Filipino song.
  7. Saya Saya: A dance challenge that involves a series of energetic and playful movements, set to a catchy Filipino song.
  8. Kilig Saya: A dance challenge that combines romantic and playful movements, set to a popular Filipino love song.
  9. TikTok Dance Battle: A dance challenge that involves a series of dance battles between two or more participants, set to popular Filipino songs.
  10. OPM Dance Challenge: A dance challenge that involves dancing to popular Original Pilipino Music (OPM) songs, often performed by Filipino celebrities.

These are just a few examples of the many TikTok dance challenges and trends that have originated in the Philippines. The country's vibrant dance culture and creative energy have made it a hub for dance challenges and trends that have gone viral on the platform.