Tiktok filters pick my makeup tiktok trend

The "TikTok filters pick my makeup" trend is a popular challenge on the platform where users apply various filters to their faces to see which makeup look they would get if they were to follow the filter's suggestions.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to participate in this trend:

  1. Choose a filter: Browse through the various filters available on TikTok, such as beauty filters, makeup filters, or even filters that transform your face into a cartoon character.
  2. Apply the filter: Select the filter you want to use and apply it to your face. You can do this by tapping the "Effects" button on the camera screen and browsing through the available filters.
  3. Record a video: Record a short video of yourself with the filter applied. You can talk to the camera, show off the filter, or even do a quick makeup tutorial.
  4. Add music: Add some music to your video to make it more engaging and fun. You can choose from TikTok's vast music library or use a song from your own music collection.
  5. Post the video: Post your video on TikTok and use relevant hashtags, such as #TikTokFiltersPickMyMakeup or #MakeupChallenge, to reach a wider audience.
  6. Encourage engagement: Encourage your followers to participate in the challenge by asking them to try out the filter and share their own videos using the same hashtags.

Some popular filters for this trend include:

Remember to have fun and be creative when participating in this trend!