Tiktok algorithm 2019

The TikTok algorithm in 2019! Here's a breakdown of how it worked:

Key factors that influenced the algorithm:

  1. User behavior: TikTok's algorithm considered various user behaviors, such as:
    • Engagement: likes, comments, shares, and reactions.
    • Watch time: how long users watched a video.
    • Scroll depth: how far users scrolled through their feed.
  2. Video content: The algorithm analyzed various aspects of video content, including:
    • Relevance: how well the video matched the user's interests and preferences.
    • Quality: video quality, audio quality, and overall production value.
    • Uniqueness: how unique and original the content was.
  3. User interactions: The algorithm took into account various user interactions, such as:
    • Hashtag usage: how often users used specific hashtags.
    • Mentions: how often users mentioned other users or brands.
    • Duets: how often users created duets with other users.
  4. Timing: The algorithm considered the timing of user interactions, such as:
    • Peak hours: when users were most active and engaged.
    • Time of day: when users were most likely to interact with content.
  5. Device and platform: The algorithm considered the device and platform used to access TikTok, such as:
    • Mobile vs. desktop: different algorithms for mobile and desktop devices.
    • iOS vs. Android: different algorithms for iOS and Android devices.

How the algorithm worked:

  1. Data collection: TikTok collected data on user behavior, video content, and user interactions.
  2. Ranking: The algorithm ranked videos based on the factors mentioned above.
  3. Filtering: The algorithm filtered out low-quality or irrelevant content.
  4. Personalization: The algorithm personalized the feed for each user based on their individual behavior and preferences.
  5. Feed generation: The algorithm generated the user's feed, displaying the top-ranked videos.

Tips to increase visibility on TikTok in 2019:

  1. Create high-quality, engaging content: Focus on creating unique, high-quality, and engaging content that resonates with your target audience.
  2. Use relevant hashtags: Use relevant and popular hashtags to increase the visibility of your content.
  3. Engage with the community: Engage with other users by commenting, liking, and responding to comments on your videos and others.
  4. Post consistently: Post content consistently to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.
  5. Use TikTok's Duet feature: Use the Duet feature to collaborate with other users and increase engagement.

Keep in mind that the TikTok algorithm has evolved since 2019, and new factors are likely to influence the algorithm.