Tie breaker senegal vs japan

A tough one!

According to the FIFA World Rankings, Senegal is currently ranked 18th, while Japan is ranked 28th. However, this is just a general indicator and doesn't necessarily predict the outcome of a specific match.

In their previous meetings, Japan has a slight edge, with two wins and one draw. However, Senegal has been on a roll lately, with a strong performance in the 2022 Africa Cup of Nations, where they reached the quarterfinals.

Considering the teams' recent form and overall strength, I'd say this tiebreaker is a very close call. But if I had to make a prediction, I'd say Senegal might have a slight advantage, perhaps winning 2-1 or 2-0.

Of course, this is just my opinion, and the actual outcome could be entirely different. The beautiful game is full of surprises, and we'll have to wait and see how the match unfolds!