Thunder strikes varsity student to death another kills self in anambra #

I'm so sorry to hear about this tragic incident. It's devastating to hear that a student has lost their life due to a thunder strike and another has taken their own life in Anambra.

My heart goes out to the families and loved ones of the victims, as well as the entire university community. Losing a life, especially a young and promising one, is a tremendous loss, and it's essential to provide support and comfort during this difficult time.

It's also crucial to acknowledge the impact of such incidents on mental health and well-being. The loss of a life can be overwhelming, and it's essential to prioritize mental health and provide resources for those affected.

I hope that the authorities and the university administration will provide adequate support and resources to the families and the community to help them cope with this tragedy.

Can you please provide more information about the incident, such as the location, the circumstances surrounding the thunder strike, and any other relevant details? I'm here to listen and provide support.