This liverpool stutter has made minor winners of us all

I think I can help you decipher this quote!

The quote appears to be referencing the "Liverpool stutter" in football, which refers to the team's tendency to dominate possession and create scoring opportunities, only to stutter and fail to capitalize on them. This has led to some frustrating draws and narrow wins for the team.

The phrase "minor winners of us all" is likely a commentary on how this stuttering style of play has led to a sense of disappointment and frustration among Liverpool fans, who feel that the team's potential is not being fully realized. The phrase "minor winners" suggests that the team is only winning by a small margin, and that the victories are not as convincing or dominant as they could be.

Overall, the quote seems to be lamenting the fact that Liverpool's stuttering play has led to a sense of mediocrity and disappointment, rather than the dominant and successful performances that fans had hoped for.