Things not looking well in the sme sector chairman of sme lagos says #comments

Chairman of SMEs in Lagos Expresses Concerns

The Chairman of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Lagos, Mr. Olusegun Ajayi, has expressed concerns over the current state of the sector. In a statement, he said:

"The SME sector is facing numerous challenges that are threatening its growth and survival. The current economic situation in the country is not helping matters, as many of our members are struggling to stay afloat.

"The high cost of production, lack of access to funding, and inadequate infrastructure are some of the major challenges we are facing. Many of our members are finding it difficult to access credit facilities, and those who do are often charged exorbitant interest rates.

"The government needs to take a closer look at the SME sector and provide the necessary support to help us grow and create jobs. We need policies that will encourage entrepreneurship and provide a conducive environment for businesses to thrive.

"We are also calling on the government to provide more funding opportunities for SMEs, as well as training and capacity building programs to help us improve our skills and competitiveness.

"We are not asking for a handout, but rather a level playing field that will enable us to compete with larger businesses. We believe that with the right support, SMEs can be a major driver of economic growth and development in the country."
