They were against us toulouse captain gradel slams fans showing in rennes defeat

It seems like there's been a bit of controversy in the world of French football!

According to reports, Toulouse captain Yannick Gradel has slammed the team's fans for their lack of support during their recent defeat to Rennes. In a post-match interview, Gradel expressed his disappointment and frustration at the small number of fans who showed up to the match, saying that it felt like they were "against us" rather than supporting the team.

Here's a rough translation of what he said:

"We're disappointed, we're frustrated. We're not used to playing in front of such a small crowd. It's not normal. We're a team that deserves more support. It feels like they're against us, not with us. We need our fans to be behind us, to give us energy and motivation. Today, it was the opposite. We're going to have to find a way to get out of this situation."

It's understandable that Gradel would feel this way, especially given the importance of fan support in football. A strong fan base can be a huge motivator for players, and a lack of support can be demoralizing. Hopefully, the fans will take Gradel's words to heart and show up in greater numbers for the team's next match!