The united states meta research ph d scholarships 2023

Here are some PhD scholarships in Meta Research in the United States for 2023:

  1. Meta AI PhD Fellowship Program: Meta AI offers PhD fellowships to support outstanding students pursuing research in AI, machine learning, and related fields. The fellowship provides a stipend, tuition support, and research funding. [Deadline: January 15, 2023]
  2. National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP): The NSF GRFP provides funding to graduate students pursuing research in various fields, including computer science, engineering, and social sciences. [Deadline: October 25, 2022 (for 2023 awards)]
  3. Google PhD Fellowship Program: Google offers PhD fellowships to support students pursuing research in computer science, engineering, and related fields. The fellowship provides a stipend, tuition support, and research funding. [Deadline: January 15, 2023]
  4. Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship Program: Microsoft Research offers PhD fellowships to support students pursuing research in computer science, engineering, and related fields. The fellowship provides a stipend, tuition support, and research funding. [Deadline: January 15, 2023]
  5. Facebook PhD Fellowship Program: Facebook offers PhD fellowships to support students pursuing research in computer science, engineering, and related fields. The fellowship provides a stipend, tuition support, and research funding. [Deadline: January 15, 2023]
  6. Amazon Research PhD Fellowship Program: Amazon Research offers PhD fellowships to support students pursuing research in computer science, engineering, and related fields. The fellowship provides a stipend, tuition support, and research funding. [Deadline: January 15, 2023]
  7. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowship: The NIH offers NRSA fellowships to support graduate students pursuing research in biomedical and behavioral sciences. [Deadline: December 8, 2022 (for 2023 awards)]
  8. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Research Training Fellowship: The NIMH offers research training fellowships to support graduate students pursuing research in mental health and related fields. [Deadline: December 8, 2022 (for 2023 awards)]
  9. National Science Foundation (NSF) Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) PhD Fellowship Program: The NSF CPS program offers PhD fellowships to support students pursuing research in cyber-physical systems, including AI, machine learning, and related fields. [Deadline: October 25, 2022 (for 2023 awards)]
  10. University of California, Berkeley - Meta AI PhD Program: The University of California, Berkeley, offers a PhD program in Meta AI, with funding provided by Meta AI. [Deadline: January 15, 2023]

Please note that deadlines and eligibility criteria may vary for each scholarship program. It's essential to review the specific requirements and application instructions for each program.