The price for new dimensions by apostle joshua selman ngmp3 com

The price for new dimensions is a topic that Apostle Joshua Selman has spoken about extensively. From what I understand, the price for new dimensions refers to the sacrifices and commitments one must make to access and experience new levels of spiritual growth, revelation, and manifestation.

Here are some key points that Apostle Joshua Selman has emphasized regarding the price for new dimensions:

  1. Sacrifice of time: One must be willing to sacrifice time and prioritize spiritual growth and development above other things.
  2. Sacrifice of comfort: One must be willing to leave their comfort zone and take risks to access new dimensions.
  3. Sacrifice of relationships: One may need to re-evaluate and adjust relationships that are not conducive to spiritual growth.
  4. Sacrifice of possessions: One may need to let go of material possessions that are hindering spiritual growth.
  5. Sacrifice of pride: One must be willing to humble themselves and acknowledge their limitations.
  6. Sacrifice of fear: One must be willing to overcome fear and take bold steps of faith.
  7. Sacrifice of self: One must be willing to surrender their own desires and ambitions to God's plan.

In his teachings, Apostle Joshua Selman emphasizes that the price for new dimensions is not a one-time payment, but rather a continuous process of surrender, sacrifice, and commitment to spiritual growth.

If you're interested in learning more about the price for new dimensions, I recommend checking out Apostle Joshua Selman's teachings and sermons on YouTube or other online platforms.