The owners 2020 download movie critic circle

You're looking for reviews of the 2020 movie "The Owners" from the Critics' Circle!

Here are some reviews from notable critics:

The Guardian: "A dull, predictable and overly reliant on jump scares, The Owners is a disappointing horror film." - 2/5 stars

The Telegraph: "The Owners is a tired, uninspired horror film that relies on cheap jump scares and lacks any real tension or suspense." - 2/5 stars

The Independent: "The Owners is a messy, incoherent horror film that fails to deliver on its promising premise." - 2/5 stars

The Times: "The Owners is a disappointing horror film that fails to deliver on its promise of a tense, suspenseful thriller." - 2/5 stars

Rolling Stone: "The Owners is a dull, uninspired horror film that relies on cheap jump scares and lacks any real depth or substance." - 2/5 stars

Variety: "The Owners is a predictable, formulaic horror film that fails to deliver on its promise of a thrilling ride." - 2/5 stars

The Hollywood Reporter: "The Owners is a disappointing horror film that fails to deliver on its promise of a tense, suspenseful thriller." - 2/5 stars

Screen International: "The Owners is a messy, incoherent horror film that fails to deliver on its promising premise." - 2/5 stars

Overall, the reviews from the Critics' Circle are overwhelmingly negative, with many critics calling the film "predictable", "dull", "uninspired", and "lacking in tension or suspense".