The news newspaper

You're referring to The News International, a British tabloid newspaper that was published from 1846 to 2018. Here's a brief overview:

History: The News was founded in 1846 by John Dearth, a former journalist with The Times. Initially, it was a morning newspaper, but it later became a evening paper. Over the years, it went through several changes in ownership and format.

Content: The News was known for its sensationalist and tabloid-style reporting, often focusing on crime, scandals, and human-interest stories. It was popular among the working-class population and was often seen as a more accessible and affordable alternative to other newspapers.

Notable events: The News was involved in several notable events throughout its history, including:

  1. The Jack the Ripper murders (1888): The News was one of the first newspapers to report on the gruesome murders committed by Jack the Ripper in London's Whitechapel district.
  2. The Profumo affair (1963): The News played a significant role in exposing the scandal involving John Profumo, a British government minister, and a call girl.
  3. The Yorkshire Ripper murders (1975-1980): The News was one of the main sources of information on the serial killer Peter Sutcliffe, who targeted women in Yorkshire.

Decline and closure: Despite its popularity, The News faced significant challenges in the latter half of the 20th century, including increased competition from other newspapers and the rise of television news. The paper's circulation declined, and it eventually ceased publication in 2018.

Legacy: Although The News is no longer in publication, its legacy lives on in the world of journalism. The paper's sensationalist style and focus on human-interest stories have influenced many other tabloid newspapers, and its reporting on significant events has become an important part of British history.