The new world order ralph epperson

Ralph Epperson is a well-known author and researcher who has written extensively on the topic of the New World Order (NWO). His book, "The New World Order", is a comprehensive guide to understanding the concept of a global government and the efforts of various individuals and organizations to create a one-world system.

In his book, Epperson argues that the NWO is a conspiracy to create a global government that would replace national sovereignty and individual freedom with a centralized, authoritarian system. He claims that this conspiracy has been ongoing for centuries, with various individuals and groups working together to achieve this goal.

Epperson identifies several key players in the NWO conspiracy, including:

  1. The Illuminati: A secret society founded in the 18th century by Adam Weishaupt, which Epperson claims is dedicated to creating a one-world government.
  2. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): A think tank that Epperson claims is a front for the Illuminati and other NWO organizations.
  3. The Bilderberg Group: A group of wealthy and influential individuals who meet annually to discuss global issues and shape policy.
  4. The Trilateral Commission: A group founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski to promote global cooperation and integration.
  5. The United Nations: Epperson claims that the UN is a key player in the NWO, working to promote global governance and undermine national sovereignty.

Epperson also identifies several key events and policies that he believes are part of the NWO conspiracy, including:

  1. The creation of the Federal Reserve System in the United States, which he claims is a tool for controlling the global economy.
  2. The establishment of the European Union, which he claims is a step towards a one-world government.
  3. The wars in the Middle East, which he claims are part of a larger plan to create a global government.
  4. The implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which he claims are part of a larger plan to create a one-world economy.

Epperson's book has been widely criticized by scholars and experts, who argue that his claims are based on conspiracy theories and lack credible evidence. Many of the organizations and individuals he identifies as part of the NWO conspiracy have denied any involvement in such a plot, and there is no credible evidence to support Epperson's claims.

It's worth noting that while Epperson's book has been widely criticized, it has also been praised by some for its thought-provoking ideas and its ability to spark important discussions about global governance and the role of powerful institutions in shaping our world.