The new syllabus

You're referring to the new syllabus for a course or program!

A syllabus is a document that outlines the course objectives, topics, and requirements for a class or program. It's usually prepared by the instructor or professor and is provided to students at the beginning of the course.

Here's a general outline of what a syllabus might include:

  1. Course Information:
    • Course title and number
    • Credits or hours
    • Semester or quarter
    • Meeting times and dates
    • Location
  2. Course Objectives:
    • Brief overview of what students will learn
    • Specific skills or knowledge students will acquire
  3. Course Outline:
    • List of topics or modules to be covered
    • Estimated time devoted to each topic
    • Any special events or activities planned
  4. Assessment and Evaluation:
    • Types of assignments and exams
    • Grading criteria and scale
    • Due dates for assignments and exams
  5. Required Readings and Materials:
    • List of textbooks, articles, or other materials needed for the course
    • Any online resources or software required
  6. Attendance and Participation:
    • Expectations for attendance and participation
    • Any consequences for excessive absences
  7. Academic Integrity:
    • Statement on academic integrity and plagiarism
    • Consequences for academic dishonesty
  8. Contact Information:
    • Instructor's name and contact information
    • Office hours and location
    • Email address and phone number
  9. Additional Resources:
    • Any additional resources or support services available to students

Remember, the specific content and format of a syllabus may vary depending on the institution, department, or instructor.