The new new age

The "New New Age"! This term has been used to describe a modern resurgence of interest in spirituality, consciousness, and personal growth, often blending elements of traditional spirituality with modern technology and scientific inquiry.

The New New Age movement is characterized by a desire for self-awareness, self-improvement, and spiritual exploration, often through practices such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness. It also incorporates elements of science, philosophy, and psychology to understand the human experience and the nature of reality.

Some key features of the New New Age include:

  1. Interconnectedness: A recognition of the interconnectedness of all things, and the importance of community and collective consciousness.
  2. Personal growth: A focus on personal growth, self-awareness, and self-improvement, often through practices such as meditation, journaling, and therapy.
  3. Spiritual exploration: An interest in exploring various spiritual traditions and practices, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and shamanism.
  4. Science and spirituality: An integration of scientific inquiry and spiritual exploration, often through the study of consciousness, quantum physics, and the nature of reality.
  5. Technology and spirituality: The use of technology, such as virtual reality and social media, to facilitate spiritual growth and connection.
  6. Inclusivity and diversity: An emphasis on inclusivity and diversity, recognizing that spirituality is a personal and individual experience that can be expressed in many different ways.

Some popular figures and movements associated with the New New Age include:

  1. Tony Robbins: A motivational speaker and self-help author who has popularized the concept of "unleashing the power within."
  2. Deepak Chopra: A spiritual teacher and author who has written extensively on the topics of consciousness, quantum physics, and spirituality.
  3. The Law of Attraction: A popular movement that emphasizes the power of positive thinking and visualization to manifest one's desires.
  4. The Enneagram: A personality typing system that is used to understand human behavior and spiritual growth.
  5. The Gaia Theory: A scientific theory that suggests the Earth is a living, interconnected system that is capable of self-regulation and healing.

Overall, the New New Age represents a modern and evolving approach to spirituality, consciousness, and personal growth, one that is characterized by a desire for self-awareness, connection, and transformation.