The new indian express

The New Indian Express is a popular English-language daily newspaper in India. Here are some key facts about the newspaper:

History: The New Indian Express was founded in 1932 as the Indian Express, and it was one of the first English-language newspapers in India. Over the years, it has undergone several changes in ownership and name, with the current name being adopted in 1999.

Circulation: The New Indian Express has a wide circulation across India, with editions in several cities including Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kochi, and others. According to the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), the newspaper's average circulation is around 1.5 million copies per day.

Content: The New Indian Express is known for its in-depth coverage of national and international news, as well as its analysis and commentary on current events. The newspaper has a strong focus on investigative journalism and has won several awards for its reporting.

Editions: The newspaper has several editions, including:

Online presence: The New Indian Express has a strong online presence, with its website ( attracting millions of visitors every month. The website features news, analysis, and opinion pieces, as well as videos, podcasts, and other multimedia content.

Awards and recognition: The New Indian Express has won several awards for its journalism, including the prestigious Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards and the Asian Media Awards.