The new creation

You're referring to the concept of "The New Creation"!

The New Creation is a theological concept that refers to the idea that God is not only creating a new heaven and a new earth, but also a new humanity, a new society, and a new world order. This concept is rooted in biblical passages such as Isaiah 65:17, Revelation 21:1-4, and 2 Peter 3:13.

In this new creation, God is said to be creating a world that is free from sin, suffering, and evil. It is a world where God dwells among humans, and where humans live in harmony with God and with each other. The New Creation is often described as a world of perfect justice, peace, and harmony, where God's will is fully realized.

The New Creation is also seen as a fulfillment of God's original intention for humanity, which was to live in a perfect relationship with God and with each other. It is a return to the Garden of Eden, but this time, it is a world where humanity has been redeemed and restored to its original purpose and destiny.

The New Creation is often associated with the concept of eschatology, which is the study of the end times and the ultimate destiny of humanity. It is a central theme in many Christian traditions, and is often seen as a source of hope and inspiration for believers.

Some of the key characteristics of the New Creation include:

  1. A new heaven and a new earth: A world that is completely transformed and renewed.
  2. A new humanity: Humans who are redeemed and restored to their original purpose and destiny.
  3. A new society: A world where humans live in harmony with each other and with God.
  4. A new world order: A world where God's will is fully realized, and where justice, peace, and harmony reign.
  5. The presence of God: God dwells among humans, and is actively involved in the world.

Overall, the concept of the New Creation is a powerful and inspiring vision of a world that is yet to come, and is a source of hope and encouragement for many people around the world.