The new bbc logo

You're referring to the recent rebranding of the BBC!

In 2021, the BBC unveiled a new logo and visual identity, designed by the design agency North. The new logo is a simplified and modernized version of the classic BBC logo, which has been used since 1953.

Here are some key features of the new logo:

  1. Simplified typography: The new logo features a custom-designed sans-serif font, which is more modern and legible than the previous serif font.
  2. Circular shape: The logo is now a circular shape, which represents the BBC's commitment to being a global, inclusive, and connected organization.
  3. Color scheme: The logo features a bold, bright blue color (#0078FF), which is a nod to the BBC's heritage and tradition of excellence.
  4. Iconic "B": The iconic "B" from the previous logo has been retained, but it's now integrated into the circular shape, creating a sense of continuity and familiarity.
  5. Flexibility: The new logo is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing it to be used across various platforms, from television and radio to digital and print media.

The new logo has been rolled out across the BBC's various channels, including BBC One, BBC Two, BBC News, and BBC iPlayer, among others. The rebranding aims to modernize the BBC's visual identity and better reflect its role as a global media organization.