The new barbarians full movie

"The New Barbarians" is a 1983 Italian science fiction film directed by Enzo G. Castellari. The movie is set in a post-apocalyptic future and follows a group of survivors as they try to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world.

The movie stars Giancarlo Prete, Fred Williamson, and Thomas Moore. The plot follows a group of survivors who are trying to find a way to escape the ruins of civilization and start anew. Along the way, they encounter various dangers, including marauders, mutants, and other hostile groups.

"The New Barbarians" is known for its over-the-top action sequences, including sword fights, gun battles, and hand-to-hand combat. The movie also features a number of memorable characters, including a tough-as-nails warrior named Steelfinger (played by Fred Williamson) and a mysterious woman named Elvira (played by Anna Kanakis).

The movie has gained a cult following over the years and is often praised for its campy charm and entertaining action sequences. If you're a fan of science fiction and action movies, "The New Barbarians" is definitely worth checking out.

Here's where you can watch "The New Barbarians" full movie:

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