The mystery of altars let them have dominion

A fascinating topic! The Mystery of Altars and the phrase "Let them have dominion" are both intriguing concepts that can be explored from various angles. Here's a possible interpretation:

The Mystery of Altars

In many cultures and spiritual traditions, altars are sacred spaces where people offer prayers, sacrifices, and devotions to various deities, ancestors, or higher powers. Altars can be found in temples, churches, mosques, shrines, and even in private homes. They often feature symbols, images, and objects that hold spiritual significance, such as statues, candles, incense, and offerings.

The mystery of altars lies in their ability to connect individuals with the divine, the collective unconscious, or the cosmos. Altars can be seen as threshold spaces where the physical and spiritual realms intersect. They can facilitate communication, healing, and transformation by creating a sense of sacredness and reverence.

"Let them have dominion"

The phrase "Let them have dominion" is often associated with the biblical account of God's creation, where He gives humans dominion over the earth and its creatures (Genesis 1:26-28). In this context, dominion refers to the responsibility to care for and steward the natural world, as well as to exercise wise leadership and governance.

In the context of altars, "Let them have dominion" could be interpreted as a call to empower individuals to take control of their spiritual lives, to claim their sacred spaces, and to exercise dominion over their own thoughts, emotions, and actions. This phrase could be seen as an invitation to:

  1. Claim your sacred space: Recognize the importance of your own altar or sacred space, whether physical or mental. Make it a place where you can connect with your inner self, your values, and your spiritual practices.
  2. Exercise dominion over your thoughts: Take control of your thoughts, emotions, and reactions. Use your altar as a reminder to cultivate mindfulness, self-awareness, and inner peace.
  3. Steward your spiritual growth: Use your altar as a catalyst for personal growth, self-reflection, and spiritual development. Recognize your own power and potential, and exercise dominion over your own spiritual journey.


The Mystery of Altars and the phrase "Let them have dominion" offer a powerful reminder of the importance of spiritual connection, self-awareness, and personal growth. By claiming our sacred spaces, exercising dominion over our thoughts and emotions, and stewarding our spiritual growth, we can cultivate a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment in our lives.

What are your thoughts on the Mystery of Altars and the phrase "Let them have dominion"? How do you relate to these concepts in your own spiritual journey?