The main reasons why chichi got a strong warning from biggie video

I think there may be some confusion here!

Biggie is likely referring to Big Brother Naija, a popular Nigerian reality TV show. Chichi is a housemate on the show.

If Chichi got a strong warning from Biggie, it's likely because of some behavior or action she took that broke the rules of the show. Here are some possible reasons why:

  1. Disrespect to Biggie or other housemates: Chichi might have spoken disrespectfully to Biggie or another housemate, which is against the rules of the show.
  2. Violating the "no romance" rule: Big Brother Naija has a rule against romantic relationships between housemates. If Chichi was caught engaging in romantic behavior with another housemate, she might have received a strong warning.
  3. Breaking the "no physical violence" rule: If Chichi was involved in a physical altercation with another housemate, she could have received a strong warning or even been evicted from the show.
  4. Disobeying Biggie's instructions: Chichi might have refused to follow Biggie's instructions or disobeyed a direct order, which could have led to a strong warning.

These are just a few possibilities, but without more information, it's difficult to say for certain why Chichi received a strong warning from Biggie.