The latest mattis says islamic state still focus in syria

You're referring to the latest statement from James Mattis, the former US Secretary of Defense, regarding the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.

In a recent interview, Mattis stated that despite the territorial defeat of ISIS in Syria, the group still maintains a focus on the country. He emphasized that ISIS is not yet defeated and that the organization continues to pose a threat to regional stability.

Mattis' comments are consistent with the assessments of other US officials and experts, who have warned that ISIS has evolved into a more decentralized and clandestine organization, with a strong presence in Syria and Iraq.

Here are some key points from Mattis' statement:

  1. ISIS still has a presence in Syria: Mattis emphasized that ISIS still has a significant presence in Syria, particularly in the eastern regions of the country.
  2. Focus on Syria: He stated that ISIS is still focused on Syria, where it has been able to maintain a level of operational capability.
  3. Not yet defeated: Mattis emphasized that ISIS is not yet defeated, and that the organization continues to pose a threat to regional stability.
  4. Evolved into a more decentralized organization: He noted that ISIS has evolved into a more decentralized organization, with a strong presence in Syria and Iraq.
  5. Continued threat to regional stability: Mattis warned that ISIS continues to pose a threat to regional stability, and that the organization's defeat is not yet complete.

Mattis' comments highlight the ongoing challenges in defeating ISIS, which has proven to be a resilient and adaptable organization. The US and its allies have been working to degrade and defeat ISIS through a combination of military, political, and economic efforts, but the group's ability to evolve and adapt has made it a persistent threat.