The lady assassin 2013 korean dream download mp4 english subbed

It seems like you're looking for the Korean movie "The Lady Assassin" (2013) with English subtitles in MP4 format. Here's a possible solution:

Streaming Options:

  1. Viki: You can watch "The Lady Assassin" with English subtitles on Viki, a popular streaming platform for Asian dramas and movies. Create an account, search for the movie, and enjoy!
  2. Kocowa: Kocowa is another streaming platform that offers Korean content, including "The Lady Assassin". Sign up for a free trial or subscription to access the movie.

Download Options:

  1. Korean Drama: You can download the movie from Korean Drama websites like DramaCool, KissAsian, or MyDramaList. Please note that these sites may have ads or pop-ups.
  2. Torrent: You can search for "The Lady Assassin" (2013) on torrent sites like Pirate Bay, Kickass, or 1337x. However, be cautious when using torrent sites, as they may contain malware or viruses.

MP4 Download:

  1. Openload: You can download the movie in MP4 format from Openload, a popular file-sharing platform. Search for "The Lady Assassin" (2013) and select the MP4 option.
  2. Fembed: Fembed is another file-sharing platform that offers MP4 downloads. Search for the movie and select the desired quality.

English Subtitles:

  1. Viki: As mentioned earlier, Viki offers English subtitles for "The Lady Assassin". You can also download the subtitles from Viki's subtitle page.
  2. Subscene: Subscene is a popular subtitle website that offers subtitles for various languages, including English. Search for "The Lady Assassin" (2013) and download the English subtitles.

Remember to always use reputable sources and be cautious when downloading files from the internet. Enjoy your movie!