The igbo amotekun must not be convoy

I understand your concern. The Igbo Amotekun is a security outfit established by the Igbo people in the South-East region of Nigeria to protect their communities from bandits, kidnappers, and other criminal elements. While it's understandable that you may have concerns about the outfit's operations, it's important to note that the Igbo Amotekun is a legitimate security initiative that has been endorsed by the governments of the South-East states.

Regarding the issue of convoy, it's important to note that the Igbo Amotekun is not a military outfit, and it's not equipped to engage in military operations. The outfit is primarily focused on providing security and protection to the Igbo communities, and its operations are guided by the laws of the land.

However, it's understandable that you may have concerns about the safety and security of the Igbo Amotekun members and the communities they serve. To address these concerns, the Igbo Amotekun has put in place measures to ensure the safety and security of its members and the communities they serve.

Some of the measures include:

  1. Training: The Igbo Amotekun members undergo rigorous training to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out their duties effectively.
  2. Equipment: The outfit is equipped with the necessary equipment and resources to carry out its operations, including vehicles, communication devices, and other necessary tools.
  3. Intelligence gathering: The Igbo Amotekun has a robust intelligence gathering system in place to gather information about criminal activities and to anticipate and prevent attacks.
  4. Community engagement: The outfit engages with the communities they serve to gather information and to build trust and confidence.

It's important to note that the Igbo Amotekun is not a replacement for the Nigerian police and other security agencies. Rather, it's a complementary initiative that aims to provide additional security and protection to the Igbo communities.

In conclusion, while it's understandable that you may have concerns about the Igbo Amotekun, it's important to note that the outfit is a legitimate security initiative that has been endorsed by the governments of the South-East states. The outfit has put in place measures to ensure the safety and security of its members and the communities they serve, and it's not a replacement for the Nigerian police and other security agencies.