The good news church uebert angel

You're referring to the "Good News Church" founded by Uebert Angel!

Uebert Angel is a Zimbabwean pastor, author, and entrepreneur who is the founder and senior pastor of the Spirit Embassy Church, also known as the Good News Church. He is known for his charismatic preaching style, prophetic ministry, and teachings on faith, prosperity, and the supernatural.

Here are some key facts about the Good News Church and Uebert Angel:

History: The Good News Church was founded by Uebert Angel in 2005 in Harare, Zimbabwe. The church has since grown to have branches in several countries, including the United Kingdom, South Africa, and the United States.

Teachings: Uebert Angel's teachings focus on the power of faith, the importance of living a victorious Christian life, and the need for believers to operate in the supernatural. He emphasizes the importance of giving, tithing, and sowing seeds of faith to reap financial blessings.

Ministries: The Good News Church has several ministries, including:

  1. The Spirit Embassy Church: The main church in Harare, Zimbabwe.
  2. The Good News Church: Branches in the United Kingdom, South Africa, and the United States.
  3. The Prophetic School of Ministry: A training program for pastors and leaders.
  4. The Good News TV: A television channel that broadcasts Uebert Angel's sermons and teachings.

Controversies: Like many charismatic churches, the Good News Church has faced controversies and criticisms over the years. Some have accused Uebert Angel of being a prosperity gospel preacher, emphasizing material wealth over spiritual growth. Others have questioned his teachings on faith and the supernatural.

Personal life: Uebert Angel is married to Beverly Angel, and they have two children together. He is known for his flamboyant style and has been featured in several media outlets, including CNN and BBC.

Overall, the Good News Church and Uebert Angel have a significant following worldwide, and his teachings have inspired many people to live a more victorious and prosperous Christian life. However, as with any church or ministry, it's essential to approach their teachings with a critical and discerning heart.