The funniest tik tok memes of 2022 🤣

2022 was a great year for TikTok memes! Here are some of the funniest ones that made the rounds:

  1. Renegade Dance: The Renegade dance challenge took over TikTok, with users creating their own hilarious versions of the dance. Who can forget the " Renegade Grandma"?
  2. VSCO Girls: The VSCO girl aesthetic was all the rage, with users embracing the laid-back, eco-friendly vibe. Memes like "I'm a VSCO girl, but I'm also a mess" became a staple.
  3. Ok Boomer: This meme poked fun at the stereotype of older generations not understanding the internet or social media. It was often used to respond to out-of-touch comments or opinions.
  4. TikTok's "For You" Page: The algorithm-driven "For You" page became a source of endless entertainment, with users creating memes about the weird and wonderful content they'd stumble upon.
  5. "That's So... [insert word here]": This meme involved users taking a phrase or word and replacing it with an over-the-top, dramatic version. For example, "That's so... EXCITING!"
  6. "I'm Not a Morning Person": This meme showcased people's struggles with waking up early, with hilarious reactions and commentary.
  7. "I'm a [insert profession here] but I'm also a [insert hobby here]": This meme highlighted the often-contrasting aspects of people's personalities, like being a doctor but also a gamer.
  8. "I'm Not Lazy, I'm Just on Energy-Saving Mode": This meme poked fun at the idea of being lazy, instead framing it as a clever way to conserve energy.
  9. "I'm a [insert age here] but I'm still [insert youthful activity here]": This meme celebrated people's refusal to grow up, whether it's still playing video games or going to concerts.
  10. "I'm Not Arguing, I'm Just Explaining Why I'm Right": This meme humorously captured the essence of online debates, where people insist on being right even when they're not.
  11. "I'm a [insert hobby here] but I'm also a [insert completely unrelated hobby here]": This meme showcased people's eclectic interests and hobbies, often with hilarious results.
  12. "I'm Not Procrastinating, I'm Just Prioritizing Self-Care": This meme cleverly rebranded procrastination as a form of self-care, because who doesn't love a good excuse?

These are just a few of the many hilarious TikTok memes that made 2022 a laugh-out-loud year. Do you have a favorite meme from 2022?